Sunday, 15 November 2015

My Kung Fu

There is no doubt about it, kung fu is definitely hard work and it can also be humbling. It is a different journey that each one of us takes. When you look around at all the students, you will see some that are physically fit and some that are naturally athletic. Some students learn quickly and some are more coordinated than others. The desire to learn and the ability to understand the concepts being taught and to see the bigger picture also come into play. That is part of what makes the journey different for everyone.

This past week has been extremely frustrating for me. A minor injury and a whole lot of aches and pains has plagued me most of the week. Getting down to the floor for push ups and sit ups was a struggle. Maybe that's what it feels like to be 90? As I was doing my kempo reps over and over during the week, I had this recurring thought of "why can't I get this?"  At this point I don't know that 1000 reps are going to be enough, but I also know that stopping definitely won't get me any closer either. This has been one of those weeks where I'm asking myself if kung fu is right for me. I'm probably one of the least coordinated people and I still have a long way to go to being physically fit. My balance sucks and learning and implementing new techniques is a challenge.

I don't know where kung fu is going to take me, but it is a journey that I am determined to continue on. My experiences have been greater than I ever imagined and I have accomplished more than I thought possible.

Michele Ward


Sit ups            1090      (41150)
Push ups         1190      (32850)
Walking          19km     (1149)
AOK's             21          (827)
Kempo            26          (324)
Nunchuks        23          (629)

1 comment:

  1. You’re absolutely right, kung fu is an amazing and personal journey. Minor injuries can get in the way of martial arts, and they can mess with life in general. It’s a good idea to work around the injury or take time off so you can heal. The more you aggravate it, the more danger you may put yourself in. Great job on achieving 1190 push ups and 1090 sit ups!

    Matthew Lawrence @ Kung Fu Philly


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