Monday, 21 March 2016

Reducing Invisibility

 I came across the word "invisible" recently while doing some research for school. It was used to describe a type of poverty. When I thought about what that meant, I realised how sad that was because unfortunately it is all too true. There is poverty throughout the world that is quite obvious and not invisible at all, but what about the poverty that remains hidden? There are individuals and families that struggle daily to put food on the table, pay the bills and provide the basic necessities of life.

I started to think about what else is invisible that we don't know about or see, and who is invisible to us? Some problems are obvious and yet we treat them as if they are invisible. Just as concerning are the numerous invisible problems that also exist. I fear that by not educating ourselves and being engaged in the people and the world around us, our level of engagement and our ability to make a difference will be lacking. I believe that awareness is more than just being present in the moment.

We can have a positive impact simply by caring and reaching out to someone. With eyes wide open, see the people around you, become involved, ask questions, smile,  give compliments, help someone and take time for conversation. There is a lot that we can do if we raise our level of awareness and become a positive force in the world. Let people know they are not invisible. Everyone matters!

Michele Ward

1 comment:

Patience and Small Wins

I was finally able to get a 30 minute yoga session done this week. With a puppy in the house Ive been finding it challenging to free up time...