Monday, 6 August 2018

Do or Do Not!

Logan and I are visiting some family out on Vancouver island this week. We try to visit most summers for a variety of reasons. The biggest reason though is my cousin and his wife. Not just because they are family, but because of the quality of people that they are. Surrounding yourself with positive influences is a key component on the journey towards mastery. My cousin Brian is someone I respect and has also become a bit of a mentor for my son, Logan.

One of the phrases we have heard often this week is "do or do not". Especially when someone uses the word "try".  At first I questioned what was wrong with trying? I twirled this around in my mind and have come to the conclusion it is a bit of a different mindset. Do you go all in and do? Or do you not? When a person decides to "do", the mindset is different and more committed. And because of this the attitude and approach change, creating better results.

One of my fears is being in a canoe or kayak. and about 3 years back I gave kayaking a "try". I didn't have much success, but it was a big step for me at the time. I got into the kayak and pushed off the shore a bit and then promptly decided it wasn't for me. Fear took control. At the time I was proud of myself for at least getting in and trying. Although looking back I really can't say that I actually did any kayaking. I wonder now if I had more of a "do" attitude if the outcome would have been different.

My kung fu training has been similar to that attempt at kayaking except over a much longer period of time. There has definitely been some doing along the way and I recognize all that I have accomplished. Due to anxiety and fear though, there has primarily been a mindset of trying. And I think that over time that mindset has created a one foot in and one foot out mentality.

Now it's time to make a mental adjustment in how I think and approach my training as well as all other aspects of life. I want to approach opportunities, tasks, etc. from a positive and more definitive mindset of doing rather than trying. As I move forward I want to be able to have more control and engage rather than just being along for the ride.

Michele Ward

Patience and Small Wins

I was finally able to get a 30 minute yoga session done this week. With a puppy in the house Ive been finding it challenging to free up time...