Wow... as I am composing this blog, I experienced an aha moment! I find that this happens quite often while blogging. One of the numerous benefits. The knowledge was already there rattling around in my brain. What was missing was the ability to relate the thoughts to our Kung Fu training.
Offering the best of yourself can begin with a simple act of kindness! A genuine smile, a helping hand or a warm hello. The list is endless and can provide a much needed lift in spirit. I see these acts of kindness as external. This is what we present to the world.
In between these external acts of kindness, I have this little voice in my head that has become accomplished at unkind chatter. The type of chatter that judges. Judgements of self, others and situations as I go about my day. I've come to see this as an opportunity for growth. An opportunity for self awareness, to change thought patterns and create internal acts of kindness towards myself and others.
Balancing the internal with the external creates an optimum environment to achieve the greatest success!