Tuesday, 9 May 2023

April Numbers


April started off good but as I look through my book I see too many days with low numbers. Things are still being worked on most days so that is positive. So much of my time and energy has been spent on cleaning up dad's acreage and then my boss at work lost her husband very suddenly so work hours have increased. My son in law was in a serious accident and lucky to be alive with just a broken femur so I've been babysitting my grandson Finnley and giving my daughter more time to spend at the hospital. I did one of my classes online and was able to have Finnley follow along with some of the warmup. He is going to make a great little martial artist one day! I've also been trying to spend time with a close friend that has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

I feel a bit like I'm in a snow globe that keeps getting shaken, needing to adjust, redirect and find even just a bit of routine in my busy and chaotic life. Most mornings seem to be the best for this. Thank goodness for Kung Fu classes that have been incorporated into my life as they provide valuable time needed for me.

I know there is some opportunity to work smarter versus just working harder. As things settle down slowly and I learn to recognize areas of mediocrity, changes for the better can be made.

Numbers - April/Year To Date

PU - 3540/8345                  Sparring - 77/359        

SU - 3700/8180                  KM - 200/346               

Hand Form - 80/217          AOK - 263/539

Weapon - 71/214               Yoga - 90/400m


  1. Been a rough go on all fronts for you as of late, I’m sorry to hear all of this is going on. Let me know if there is anything you need, or I can help with 🤗

  2. You’ve been having a fantastic year, even with everything you have going on. Be proud of yourself.


Patience and Small Wins

I was finally able to get a 30 minute yoga session done this week. With a puppy in the house Ive been finding it challenging to free up time...