Sunday, 12 January 2025

Phases & New Patterns

There is beauty, truth and much wisdom in the symbolism and meaning of each different coloured belt. Looking back over the years with that symbolism in mind, I see and appreciate my successes and struggles more. And things makes sense. All is as it should be. 

The reason I bring this up is because I’ve been hesitant to quantify my life these past couple of months as struggling. Struggling doesn’t feel quite right and yet I haven’t been able to find a word that accurately describes where I’m at and what I’m feeling. 

Recognizing the symbolism of each belt color and reflecting on my own progression from white to black helps me to have a deeper appreciation of where I started and those natural phases of progression I experienced. I realized this understanding can also help me to navigate this current pattern of life I find myself in. Having a furry four legged friend by my side has been a blessing and a challenge as I try to figure out how, when and where to add in physical training. So much has changed!

This year has marked the beginning of a new phase and life pattern for me. However, I know and appreciate the foundation I've built. With a good solid base I'm simply planting additional seeds, nourishing, expanding my horizons and opening my heart to more. The beauty, the truth and the wisdom will continue to support me in my journey.

Struggle is a part of growth. As that first initial sprout struggles to push itself and emerges from the earth, we begin to see growth and potential. This year has continued to bring reflection, finding ways to nourish existing growth, build new growth and finding ways to adjust to changes as I continue to evolve and find me in the process. So, am I struggling? A little maybe, but also not really, if that makes sense.


Push ups & Sit ups: 600/39390
Hand form: 4/492
Weapon form: 15/542
KM: 46/1638
AOK: 25/1364
Sparring: 0/164
Blogs: 1/52
Yoga: 30min/23.5 hrs
Tai Chi: 13/699

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Phases & New Patterns

There is beauty, truth and much wisdom in the symbolism and meaning of each different coloured belt. Looking back over the years with that s...