Monday, 14 September 2015

What's up?

In the beginning we all started off strong. I was doing well and was pushing myself. Then I hit a minor road block after a couple of months and missed 2 weeks of blogging. Even though that was an automatic fail I was able to stay motivated and pushed on.  Not only did I continue on, but I pushed myself to keep increasing the number of push ups I was able to do each day. Then we hit the half way mark and while I may be happy with what I have accomplished this far, If I look at the big picture I can see where I'm falling behind. Push ups, forms and sparring need to be addressed. A plan of action has been put into place and my goal is to bring those numbers up to where they need to be.

 So what is the problem? I feel my motivation and follow through is lacking. Is it that I've already failed on more than one requirement that has reduced my motivation? I know that commitment has a lot of importance for me and determination is not some thing that I lack, but staying motivated and on track can be difficult. What causes the breakdown in motivation and follow through?

If we have already failed does that reduce our motivation to continue or do we push on and finish strong? Is it believing in ourselves and what we are trying to accomplish that helps to keep us motivated? I am not the most organised or goal orientated person. I normally like to just go with the flow and my determination is what gets things accomplished when the need arises. It can be very easy to make a lot of excuses as to why we were not able to follow through. 

I know that we need to have the ability to be flexible, We need to focus on our own behaviours and what is in our control and practising awareness and being mindful at all times also helps.

Commitment, determination, motivation, mindfulness, and follow through all play a key role in our success. I don't know what the answer is for me, but I will keep working on it and try to sort things out.


sit ups         990      (32,120)
push ups     930      (22,905)
walking      22.21   (922.94)
sparring      0          (156)
kempo        11        (211)
nunchuks    0          (412)
Aok's          22        (609)

Michele Ward

1 comment:

  1. Sounds to me like you're on the right track. I think you're right, knowing that you're not going to reach the number you set makes it really difficult to keep yourself motivated. But if you think more about the improvement you can make just from trying? Great post.


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