My state of mind this week has not been the greatest. All week I have been in a funk. It all starts with one not so little thing and then other smaller particles are drawn in creating a funk that can be hard to get rid of. The crazy thing is that the smaller particles are often not even real, but are created by stress that contributes to unhealthy perceptions.
Over the years many students have stated how their Kung Fu training has helped to get them through some of life's challenges and mental fatigue. Given how I've been feeling this week, I know this to be true and am very grateful for the training that I have been able to consistently do every day. If Kung Fu and the I Ho Chuan team was not part of my life there probably would have been more moments and days with little to no motivation and much mediocrity.
What is it about Kung Fu and the team environment that helps so much and why?
As Master Brinker always states, "it only takes 10 minutes per day"! Simply put, it is all about engagement! And engagement often brings a friend along called motivation. And motivation can move mountains! Add in a team environment like the I Ho Chuan and the benefits are 10 fold or 100 fold. The sky's the limit! Because, in addition to engagement and motivation, there is also accountability and support. The benefits are numerous! We also always have a great diverse group of individuals on the team, each contributing in their own way, creating an amazing energy to be shared and absorbed. It is this energy that fluctuates and builds from one year to the next.
In addition to all the above benefits I also find Kung Fu to be meditative at times. And I am not just talking about Tai Chi. Mindful repetition of forms and applications provides me with a physical outlet while pushing aside worries and problems during those training moments.
In an effort towards accountability here are my numbers which also help to remind me what I have accomplished so far and where I need to push myself.
Numbers: February 12 - March 11
Push ups - 3300
Sit ups - 3430
AOK's - 114
Lao Gar - 112
Shoto - 132
Sparring - 25
KM - 78
Mastery - reading every morning
Blogging - On track
Organize, lead SRKF projects - on track
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