Saturday, 1 May 2021

My Kung Fu Garden


At the end of class a few weeks ago, Sifu Rybak had asked why we practice Kung Fu and also commented that many of us attend classes out of "habit". I know that my reason for training in Kung Fu is it helps me to grow as a person and be a better version of myself while also building connections. 

Kung Fu plants a diverse variety of seeds that encourages growth in all areas of my life. Not all germinate quickly, but every seed has the potential for growth. Community, environment, self awareness, mindfulness, compassion and empathy are just some of the many plants growing in my Kung Fu garden. 

Why I train in Kung Fu is clear, but hearing Sifu Rybak use the word "habit" caused me to pause and think. At the time I felt that even though there are many great habits, in this case I was seeing it as somewhat negative. Repetitive and at times just going through the motions because it had become habit. Realizing that I mostly attend classes and watch the online videos each week out of habit bothered me. I have been pondering an answer as to why? Surely all the positives and this beautiful Kung Fu garden that I have grown is a reflection of that good habit? So is it my perspective, my level of engagement or mindfulness? Or something else entirely? What seeds are sitting there waiting for the right combination of elements to encourage growth? 

Anxiety and self compassion may be part of the answer. I find that compassion for others is much easier than self compassion. This is a seed in my garden that is in need of some nurturing. Then there are the weeds of anxiety popping up that tend to choke out the blissful flowers of enjoyment. If I can focus more on the enjoyment, I may be better equipped to push aside the anxiety thus creating a more enjoyable head and heart space.

Training in Kung Fu at SRKF is definitely a keystone habit that has enormous potential to trigger numerous other good habits, thereby creating a ripple effect in our lives and all of those that we come into contact with, either directly or indirectly.


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