Sunday, 27 August 2023

Self Discipline

Self discipline - conscious control that is oriented towards successful outcomes by overcoming obstacles or impediments.

I allowed discipline to falter this week with regards to my training. I was still very productive and able to achieve balance in numerous areas of my life. With extra days off, I tackled some overdue deep cleaning and organizing at home. Cleaning and decluttering gives me a sense of accomplishment and pride and improves my mental health, I sleep better and productivity increases. Overall I feel there was a really good balance of kung fu, taking care of me, my home, work, quality time spent with my dad, family and friends.

With so many other things getting done it felt like something had to give, and that was my training. I know guilt does not help me to move forward and if left unchecked and it can lead to more guilt. Knowing this I focused on the successes and achievements throughout the week. I thought I had done a pretty good job working through everything and staying positive. I missed something important though.

After class on Saturday I realized that ego had once again snuck in without me noticing. I was so focused on eliminating any guilt and looking for the positive, I completely forgot about the underlying issue. I had pushed discipline and the consistency I'd built off to the side. Even though numerous things went right, I didn't go deep enough and ask myself what went wrong and why.

So, what went wrong?

1st - Ego had snuck in and did a very good job of building me up. I told myself: "It's just a couple of days with reduced training and there are numerous positives to replace that which didn't get done." I felt pretty darn good with everything that I had accomplished, patting myself on the back.

2nd - I didn't go deep enough. I failed to see or ask why I wasn't able to successfully practice self discipline and continue to build consistency. A restart will only take me so far without a plan of action and some deeper reflection to help mitigate veering off track in the future. 

Reflecting and seeing the positives are a great start. Asking myself the hard or uncomfortable questions will help me to eliminate mediocrity. This can be done by understanding how, why and when I become distracted. What are my triggers and roadblocks? Being more aware and developing strategies to lesson the distractions that pull me away from working on goals will help me to improve self discipline and take consistent action. 

What are my distractions and triggers?

Inconsistent daily routines -  Created havoc with consistency

Unfinished household tasks 

Too much time -  surprisingly leads to procrastination

Insufficient training space at home

Summer months - too hot, too nice out, camping weekends, etc

Focus - There are times when I'm excessively focused or I lose focus

Time management - allocating set times to different components of my training. 

Knees - some days are worse than others. Have a game plan for bad knee days.

Waking up tired - I find it mentally challenging to think about working out. 

The need for restarts has been decreasing this year, so that tells me consistency is increasing. When I do need to restart I've found having a plan helps. Knowing my triggers and distractions or roadblocks will help me to develop a better though out plan of action and help me to exercise self discipline. It is through discipline that I will build solid foundations and improve consistency, thus reducing unplanned restarts and help to accomplish goals.

Sunday, 20 August 2023

I am Enough!

I had a moment of clarity earlier in the week. It was a where am I, who am I and what am I doing moment that happened towards the end of class and after class. It was an appreciation for who I am and all that I am doing. And the interesting thing is that the catalyst was a game we played in class. Young and not so young all played together, each with a slightly different approach and ability. We pushed ourselves and thought outside the box at times and had fun. I was wiped afterwards, but in a good way. 

I'm not 20 or 30 anymore. I am 60, and I continue to push myself so that I can learn and grow as a person and a martial artist. 

I am enough!

Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Great Training Day!

In the past if I was stuck on something I would spend hours until I got it figured out and things felt right. Many wonderful discoveries have been made over the years when I push myself and what I learn usually transfers into other areas of my training. 

Training with such a determined attitude takes effort and perseverance, but there is a hefty dose of ego involved as well. I find it very interesting how ego keeps popping up quite often this year. It is something that I have been working on to identify and disengage from more and more. 

I am finding that I don't try to force a solution or beat it into submission nearly as much as I used to. Instead I've been approaching my training with more of a peaceful and calm attitude this year. Relaxing into the process allows a natural evolution to occur. This has been very apparent for me in the past few weeks.

I had a great training session Monday morning. As I went through my hand form I was focusing on flow in a section near the beginning and near the end. I've been working on flow for a few weeks now and only making teeny tiny little steps forward. The great thing is I am not trying to force it. I put in the effort, and I ask myself questions. I am drawing on all the knowledge passed on to me from teacher to student and my skill and experience. And I do feel that I am getting closer to not only developing flow in my hand form but also being able to apply it to all areas of my training and have a good base from which to grow.

These are some of the things that I am aware of and working on to help facilitate better flow. 

Finish my technique

Understand the intent of the application

Release my energy

Joining techniques - where and when

Transitions of the upper body and the lower body

Proper rotation

Engaging my core

Circular energy

When I do a rep I may choose 1 or 2 of the above to work on. I may do all my form reps with the same intent in a given day or I may change up the intent with each rep. It all depends on what I feel is needed at the time and lessons taught in class. I find it hard to work on just 1 thing at a time. Progress is coming slowly and I'm good with that because I know there is forward momentum.

On Monday as I worked on flow in the section near the end of my form I recognized I wasn't feeling the power of my strikes and blocks. Partially because I wasn't releasing between moves and the circular energy that connects each technique to the next technique was mostly taking place with the arms and hands. I know the hips and shoulder, knees, elbows and feet were involved as well, just not to their full potential. There were a couple moments where everything came together and I could feel the connection of power and release. The six harmonies were working together and I could feel the potential. Ahh... I believe more snake is needed. 

I also had what I thought was a breakthrough on a troublesome section of the broadsword. It is the strike as you complete the 360 degree turn. I am having trouble with the trajectory of the sword. I  couldn't seem to get it to feel right. Thankfully I found out I wasn't on the right track only because I asked Sihing Csillag some questions and got some help to continue down the correct path.

Monday was a great day with lots of good observations and instruction. Amazing what one day can bring!

Saturday, 12 August 2023

Intentional Restart

Every day we begin anew and each day is an opportunity to restart. Often though we are on auto pilot and just go with the flow, not thinking about the benefits and possibilities each day brings. What if we had a plan as to how we might do even just one thing differently? Beginning anew and intentionally resetting starts with awareness and understanding we have a measure of control when it comes to our attitude. I have found that intentional thought and planned action are required to make the most of a restart. 

After having a week where I was constantly having to make adjustments and training suffered as a result, I made a plan to look at the following week as a chance to restart. I didn't just simply wait for the new week to begin and hope it would be better, I came up with a simple plan of action. The plan was to start with an increase in push up and sit ups reps. My goal was 300 of each per day. I knew this was doable because I've done it before. And what I found was that the rest of my training gained strength and momentum from making that simple change. I may not have reached my goal everyday but I put in the extra effort and had my best weekly numbers in all areas of my training this past week.

My goal again this coming week is 300 push ups and 300 sit ups per day. Maybe what I need are some training buddies to help keep my on track. Who wants to join me?

Saturday, 5 August 2023

What to Blog About?

It's not often that I can't think of anything worthwhile to write. And yet here I am with not much to say.

Why is that?

My attention this past week has been focused on getting the last bit of stuff out of dad's acreage, visits to the lawyer, visits to the bank and new developments with my brothers. It has been an extra stressful week that has required much mental and emotional strength that hasn't left much room for anything else. 

Training has dropped off substantially because of everything going on. The intention was there and time in the morning set aside, but unexpected issues mean't adjusting my schedule on a daily basis. I was able to manage a small amount of training on most days, just not my full routine. I tried to take advantage of moments to fit in some push ups and sit ups when I remembered. 

What I do know is the week has come and almost gone with much accomplished. There has been some welcome closure and completion of many tasks. I was able to stick to my nutritional meal plan with a few timeline adjustments throughout the days. Eating healthy is a huge help when it comes to stress. I participated mentally and physically in classes at a level that was doable for me in the moment, and I was able to benefit from valuable lessons and knowledge. There was success in many areas.

I'm off for a long weekend camping trip with a focus on relaxation, friendships, eating healthy, enjoying the outdoors and adding in some kilometres.  

Patience and Small Wins

I was finally able to get a 30 minute yoga session done this week. With a puppy in the house Ive been finding it challenging to free up time...