Sunday, 22 October 2023

A Little of This & That

I've always gravitated more to forms and feel that is where most of my understanding and skill is. I know the skill I've developed in forms has also transferred over into other aspects of my Kung Fu. Because application is very far out of my comfort zone I often find myself drawing a blank. There is often a slight moment of panic. It is very hard to just do and not need to think first. 

Working on my 5 techniques has been a struggle and a blessing in disguise. As I slowly figure things out I'm understanding and feeling more comfortable with the application side of my training. Concepts and lessons already learned are surfacing. Feedback from blackbelts and my partner has been an enormous help. Repetition, making adjustments along the way and feeling what works and what doesn't work are also helping me to gain confidence and improve as a martial artist. 

I'm finding my knowledge of key concepts are expanding lately. It's interesting how utilizing a different application or setting and intent can change perception and understanding. 

Control is expanding in ways that I previously hadn't thought of. This will most likely be a separate blog in the future.

Recently a comment was made regarding the flow in multiple board breaks that had me stopping and thinking "wait a minute, what?" Basically I can continue in the obvious pattern of movement or redirect my energy with the appropriate footwork, expansion and contraction, timing, etc. Hmm, is it really that easy? Nope, but also yes. This opens up more possibilities with the right combination of skill and control. I found myself in that very silo that we are told to stop training in. I think the silo and the ego are very close friends. 

Acquire your target is something we work on in our forms and so, so important when it comes to application and board breaking. Great opportunities for reinforcement.

The concept of power zone and feeling where that is for me is becoming more tangible the more I work on practicing board breaking and my 5 applications.

Push ups: 948 /32705
Situps: 862/ 32880
Hand form: 17/661           
Weapon form: 17/586     
KM: 35/1331                 
AOK: 25/1258                
Sparring: 40/671             
Blogs: 1/51                   
Yoga: 2/32.5

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