Sunday, 24 November 2024


I’ve been travelling through Portugal this week. The days have been busy with sightseeing, exploring, moving from place to place and making new friends. My time and space looks much different than it does at home. It would have been very easy to use the trip as an excuse to set aside my personal and team requirements. Instead I found and made use of small moments here and there each day to add in a few push ups and sit-ups and practice mindfulness. There were a couple days I was also able to get in some Tai Chi. 

My priorities may have changed this week, but I realized I still have a measure of control when it comes to  what I chose to do or not do. And that is where discipline comes into play. I was able to record some numbers each day in my book which also helped to keep me mindful of where I was and what I was doing. The numbers weren’t big, but they helped to keep me grounded and focused and reinforced how important those basics are to keeping mediocrity at bay.

Totals this week

Push ups & Sit ups: 490
Hand form: 0
Weapon form: 0
KM: 44
AOK: 53
Sparring: 0
Blogs: 1
Yoga: 0
Tai Chi: 6

Sunday, 17 November 2024


I really wasn't sure what I was going to blog about until I sat down and opened up Blogger. I had one word in mind. Change! 

In reality there is a whole lot to say and to write. I just need to sort things out in my head and my heart. I am processing, I'm still figuring myself out and finding my way. And even at this stage in my life I'm learning there is always room for more personal growth and self discovery.

Kung Fu has woven itself into all aspects of my life very well. My priorities support each other, are in balance and flexible. Over the years I've worked towards building consistent healthy habits and have established routines and practices to support me and a path towards Mastery. 

I'm engaged, enjoying classes, moving forward and yet there is a disconnect. I feel blessed and practice gratitude daily and still I have noticed an underlying mundane quality to my life. Tiredness is an ongoing issue. The pattern of my life has become possibly a bit too comfortable and predictable. I think it is mostly the predictability and routine that is getting to me. Hmm... maybe I'm becoming more attuned to mediocrity creeping in.

 It is still amazing to me the extent my inner being guides me and leads me to awareness. As a result there are some changes currently in the development stage that I plan to implement. Time to shake things up a bit and reduce a bit of that mediocrity that I can feel creeping in.

The 1st big change is the addition of a new 14 week old puppy in my life at the end of this month. Not a true rescue, but I will eliminating the need for her to end up in a rescue shelter so that is a good thing. This will be my first time as a sole pet owner. The care, companionship, training and cost is all on me. A big responsibility, but I can already see how Kung Fu has helped. I find myself being more proactive instead of simply jumping in and hoping for the best. I've been researching, preparing and allowing for bumps in the road as we both learn together. 

The addition of a puppy in my life means an adjustment to my priorities. Work is close enough to pop home to check on and spend my lunch break with the puppy. Unfortunately helping out at Kung Fu will be reduced and a bit sporadic as we both figure things out and she gets settled in and matures. 


Push ups & Sit ups: 830/34200
Hand form: 4/451
Weapon form: 8/474
KM: 28/1301
AOK: 20/1145
Sparring: 0/164
Blogs: 1/44
Yoga: 30/21 hrs
Tai Chi: 4/602

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Going With the Flow

On the surface my training may not be notable or appear to be advancing in leaps and bounds. However when I take note of everything I'm learning and discovering this year, I see a continuation of internal awareness and applying that awareness to my training. 

Core engagement, flow and chi have been at the forefront of my training this year. This wasn't completely intentional and yet through a series of class instruction, Tai Chi and personal goals I've been guided and followed this years current flow of training and learning.

When I engage my core as I move trough a technique, there is an immediate positive feedback. I can feel my center lower slightly and I feel more grounded and solid. Core engagement for me can feel like an internal expansion and contraction of varying degrees. Almost like its own living, breathing entity that helps to facilitate the external. It's like everything is working together - six harmonies as it finest. 

Everything I'm learning and experiencing also prompts me to explore that which does not feel right, which is exciting. Being able to feel when a technique isn't quite right and working through possible issues with a positive outlook has been more enjoyable and rewarding.

Building those foundational blocks and continuing to practice and apply knowledge will in due course establish consistency.


Push ups & Sit ups: 720/33,370
Hand form: 10/447
Weapon form: 10/466
KM: 33/1274
AOK: 21/1125
Sparring: 0/164
Blogs: 1/42
Yoga: 0/20.5 hrs
Tai Chi: 17/598

Sunday, 3 November 2024

A Moment of Clarity

I had a very distinct moment of clarity after Tai Chi class this week.

During a conversation with Sifu Dennis, I commented on how good it felt completing part 4. Not a thank goodness it's over feeling, more of a sense of accomplishment in being able to finally remember the sequence and an overall sense of enjoyment. I had mentioned to Sifu, how even though the sequence became my main focus, I still experienced aha moments and discovered chi in different ways. 

Mentioning the aha moments and self discoveries helped me in that moment to understand my body now moves differently because of those experiences and how they have become a part of me. It makes sense that I most likely won't feel or have those same exact experiences. I expect going forward there will be similarities with slight differences as I focus on applying concepts and truths. 

Our conversation brought clarity which I knew to be true in that moment. I was surprised because it was  completely unexpected and also a bit surprised I hadn't realized this before now. I believe the knowing was already there, just a bit fuzzy. I can see now how this realization was actually building over the past few months. I find sometimes talking with someone can help to solidify things that are already percolating.

With this new found clarity I am able to let go of the desire or need to recreate aha moments and feelings. I'm learning to train differently, with greater awareness and trust in myself as I continue to build, change and move forward.


Push ups & Sit ups: 880/32650
Hand form: 10/437
Weapon form: 8/456
KM: 26/1240
AOK: 36/1104
Sparring: 0/164
Blogs: 1/41
Yoga: 30/20.5 hrs
Tai Chi: 10/581

Patience and Small Wins

I was finally able to get a 30 minute yoga session done this week. With a puppy in the house Ive been finding it challenging to free up time...