Sunday, 1 April 2018

Step Back & Assess the Situation

Due to my upcoming moving day and all that entails a new goal has been created. Priorities have needed to be adjusted and that means my path has taken a detour. Dealing with lower back pain, persistent headaches and moving day has provided a combination of reasons and excuses for not getting much done with regards to team requirements. Do I give myself a break or do I beat myself up? Right now I'm somewhere in between. I know that I missed some opportunities to work on my numbers and I generally work better under pressure, but my weakness is my own body and health.

Packing for the big move day started off great. Everything was on track and going smoothly. I had two wonderful friends both extend offers of help this weekend. When I initially read their text messages I was grateful, but I also had this moment of panic and avoidance. My tendency is to tunnel in and hide from the world when I feel overwhelmed unless the situation involves my kids. I have gotten better the past few years at stepping back, assessing the situation and making adjustments.

Help seems simple enough, but it requires knowing when to ask, how to ask and then there are more decisions to make. Things like: What day works? What time do you want us to come? What do you need help with? Too many decisions for my current slow motion squirrel brain to handle. After the initial moment of panic passed, I did what needed to be done. One step at a time. Sometimes dealing with one person or situation leads to a resolution for the next. I feel good about what was accomplished on Saturday and I wouldn't have been able to get it all done myself. Today I have another friend coming and more to get done. Thank you for friends and thank you for all the help!

Remember, when life becomes chaotic and your well laid plans are no longer working - just breathe! Step back and reground yourself. I take a few moments to tell myself "I can do this". I assess the situation, prioritize and make adjustments or I just pick one thing to work on and the rest sorts itself out because I am more focused and in a better frame of mind to get stuff done.

*I've been playing the minimalist game and have currently reduced the contents of my house by 105 items and still going strong!


Michele Ward

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