Friday, 26 April 2024

IHC Games = Sparring

Sifu Rybak often has us playing some type of interactive game that on the surface helps to build team spirit while also having underlying purpose and benefits.

The game we played Thursday night was for the most part enjoyable. However It didn’t take long for me to start feel stressed as multiple bean bags were being randomly tossed. I’ve never like having objects hurtling through space with me as the target, intended or not. 

And then for an extra layer of fun/challenge we were told to only look when throwing to our target, otherwise eyes were to remain down at a spot ahead, relying on our peripheral vision and awareness. This is where my instinct to turtle/and close my eyes really wanted to asserted itself. I think I may have even closed my eyes at one point. Hmmm, not so good.

As I reflected on my thoughts and feelings afterwards,  I found myself comparing the experience to sparring. What was most interesting was I actually feeling a shift in my perception of sparring. I'm not 100% sure I would pick sparring over the bean bag activity, but they are much closer than I would have thought prior to Thursday.

My thought process went something like this:

The wide open circle of multiple people with beans bags coming from random directions contained too many unknowns and variables. Where, when, accuracy of each throw and how many to keep track of was more than my brain wanted to take on.

When sparring a single opponent, my focus is narrowed down to a single individual and a much smaller area of awareness. I feel there is more potential for control and fewer variables. The unknowns are still there and adjustments still need to be made quickly and intuitively. This is something that can be practiced and skill developed over time. 

Even though the activity was mostly about awareness and reflexes,  I gained an appreciation for sparring. For the first time I'm beginning to understand more of the mental aspect of sparring as it applies to me, which I think will help me as I continue to work towards becoming more comfortable with sparring.


Push ups & Sit ups: 850/11195
Hand form: 9/193
Weapon form: 14/179
KM: 23/327
AOK: 24/373
Sparring: 11/82
Blogs: 1/14
Yoga: 30/7 hrs
Tai Chi: 14/196

Sunday, 21 April 2024

Playing it Safe

 For the most part I'm engaged, motivated and often feel inspired by others around me. I'm learning new forms, I've encountered challenges along the way and worked through those challenges. And yet at the same time my Kung Fu has become somewhat routine. It doesn't feel effortless, but it does feel like I've been 'playing it safe'. If I'm truthful with myself I have started to feel this over the past few weeks and ignored it because I was enjoying this new more enjoyable pace. I became comfortable. Mediocrity slowly and methodically inserted itself into my life. I allowed myself to focus on what I was doing, without looking too closely at that which was not being addressed or worked on. 

I'm not someone that loves to blog and it can be a challenge for me to collect my many thoughts, peel through the layers and weave everything together. I have experienced the value this tool holds so I push myself to blog weekly, adding in an extra one occasionally when something pops into my head. For me blogging along with the pushups helps to anchor me. Without blogging regularly I know I wouldn't be where I am today. 

This got me to thinking about the areas I not pushing myself, and I started to ask myself where am I playing it safe? Why am I able to push myself to blog and yet choose to not apply myself to other challenging or difficult requirements and opportunities? 

The biggest contributing factor to me 'playing it safe' right now is not knowing how to start teaching when I'm helping out in the kids classes. I generally do ok with a small group of students or even better with just one. And as I write this I can feel my anxiety begin to increase just thinking about teaching. I could just rip the bandaid off, but I'm not sure that is the best approach for me at this time. It looks like I have some questions to ask.

Sparring is another area I need to spend more time focusing on. I had gained some ground last year when we spent time sparring in class and was beginning to feel less nervous. Then it tapered off and there were other things to concentrate on. With the Tiger challenge coming up and again sparring more in classes, I've been able to get in more practice. Surprisingly the sparring we did a couple of weeks ago in black belt class went much better than I expected and provided some great lessons and opportunities.


Push ups & Sit ups: 1075/10345
Hand form: 18/184
Weapon form: 20/165
KM: 35/304
AOK: 34/349
Sparring: 12/71
Blogs: 1/13
Yoga: 30/6.5 hrs
Tai Chi: 24/182

Sunday, 14 April 2024

Love What You Do!

Early in my training it was commitment, and a subconscious awareness of the intrinsic value that Kung Fu brought to my life, which helped to make it a priority. As time passed, I progressed as a student and became a more active participant in life. This developed into a more conscious awareness of the value of training at Silent River Kung Fu. My appreciation, understanding and love of Kung Fu evolved and expanded over time.

Open training currently only happens once a month and is an opportunity that I rarely miss. Each time I participate I'm reminded how much I enjoy the extra time training in the Kwoon and interacting with other students. By the time 12:00 rolls around I'm find myself wanting/needing just 30 more minutes. This past Saturday was no exception. 

Collaborating with Sihing Bjorkquist and Sihing Kohut to create a new form for the Tiger Challenge, helping other students with their forms, sparring drills with Todai Ferris, working on the broadsword and  the Chinese straight sword all contributed to another great open training day. 

Perspective helps me to understand where and how to balance my commitments and love of Kung Fu into other aspects of my life. And I'm able to prioritize Kung Fu without unnecessarily sacrificing family or friends and work commitments. 

There are components of Kung Fu I don't love like sparring for example, but I still work to improve my  confidence and become more comfortable in those areas. The subsequent value I get from applying myself to a fear or weakness is often huge. 

I don't always love everything I'm doing, but overall I love what I do!  


Push ups & Sit ups: 1130/9270
Hand form: 30/166
Weapon form: 19/145
KM: 36/269
AOK: 38/315
Sparring: 26/59
Blogs: 1/12
Yoga: 0/6 hrs
Tai Chi: 19/158

Sunday, 7 April 2024

Value and The Ripple Effect

I remember meeting my friend Linda for the first time as we stood next to each other in line, waiting to register at the old high school in Stony Plain. We were both new to the area and didn't know anyone. It was the beginning of a new friendship which very quickly grew to include a great group of friends lasting throughout our high school years and beyond. 

Linda and I remained friends for many years after high school. Important life events like marriage, children, divorce and illness, we weathered it all and then unfortunately drifted apart. I'm not even sure what the reason was, but after a chance encounter during Covid we were given a chance to reconnect. 

We have been able keep in touch these past 2 years through combined effort on both our parts as we work towards developing our newfound friendship. In early 2023 Linda was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Unfortunately she is much too familiar with cancer with this being the 3rd time she battling the disease. After some challenges and side effects from her chemo drugs she found a treatment that worked and tumours began to shrink, making it through Christmas, as was her wish, surrounded by family. 

The chemo drug has now stopped working and the tumours are growing again requiring a change in medication which after one treatment put her in the hospital for 10 days due to all of the side effects. Linda has now made the difficult decision to stop the drug protocols due to the extreme side effects she experienced. While talking to her recently about her decision, I can see she is not giving up. Instead she is focused on spending time with her family and grandchildren and enjoying quality of life. 

During a visit this week Linda mentioned she is struggling with a request from her children. Her daughters have asked that she write them each a letter and having very little experience with writing she is finding even just the thought of this very difficult. 

My mom had written a letter to her family and friends before she passed so I have some experience and understanding of what the girls might be looking for in a letter. As I talked to Linda about my own experience and my evolving journey with blogging, I found I was able to give her some helpful advice to get her started. I know it can be challenging to put thoughts and feelings onto paper and to get started. I showed her how to break it down into point form, considering each of their personalities, how they have grown as children into adults, spouses and mothers, while expressing the love and joy of past, present and future. 

We discussed how expressing herself in a letter can provide an ongoing connection for years and generations to come. I also mentioned writing with intention can be a powerful catalyst in strengthening the relationship her children have with each other after she is gone. Linda keeps a notebook close to her and as we talked she would pick it up from time to time and make notes. At one point she even said "thank you teacher". And in this moment I felt the ongoing value of the IHC requirement of blogging. And I was grateful for my efforts over the years that helped me to provide encouragement and wisdom to a friend in need.



Push ups & Sit ups: 900/8140
Hand form: 3/136
Weapon form: 6/126
KM: 18/232
AOK: 26/277
Sparring: 0/33
Blogs: 2/11
Yoga: 30min/6 hrs
Tai Chi: 13/139

Patience and Small Wins

I was finally able to get a 30 minute yoga session done this week. With a puppy in the house Ive been finding it challenging to free up time...