Mediocrity or ?
I could spin this either way. If I'm honest with myself this past week has been planned mediocrity. I've never thought of it this way until now. And with some intentionally scheduled days off from work I've had increased freedom of choice as to how I spend my time. Along with the mediocrity there were great moments spent with family and friends and an abundance of delicious food, both nutritious and not.
Mediocrity can keep me stuck in an oblivious bubble of ordinariness, it can create feelings of guilt and regret or it can be a big motivator. I've had lots of moments of mediocrity throughout the year, that required awareness, reflection and resets to get back on track. Recognizing those moments and the resulting effort needed to make corrections, has been both fulfilling and tiring at the same time.
Planned mediocrity is somewhat different though. There is less guilt, I'm recharging and I'm allowing for a more natural flow to my days. That natural flow has brought an abundance of unexpected gifts, an increase in my business and beautiful shared moments with family and friends. Planned down time between Christmas and New Years helps me to step back and make space for more of everything in the coming year. And the added bonus is I have more of myself to give.
Push ups & Sit ups: 370/37560
Hand form: 5/481
Weapon form: 3/516
KM: 31/1549
AOK: 23/1316
Sparring: 0/164
Blogs: 1/50
Yoga: 30min/23 hrs
Tai Chi: 7/677
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