Sunday, 1 March 2015

Mind over matter

"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." - Bill Cosbey

As I am driving to the kwoon Friday night, I don't know what to expect and I am feeling anxious. The closer I get the more terrified I feel. Can I do this? Should I be doing this? Yes, I should and I can! I remind myself to be in the moment when I get there. Don't think about anything else. And guess what? I survived, and really enjoyed my first I Ho Chuan class. I started working with the nunchuks
on Friday night. I've never liked any sort of object flying towards my head, so I'm not sure what I was thinking when I chose the nunchuks as my weapon form but I am enjoying them and haven't hit myself yet. Thank you,  Mr. Repay for your help and guidance on Saturday.

I have a fear of failure and it has kept me from doing many things over the years. But on the other hand that same fear of failure is what will motivate me to succeed. Being mindful, and believing in myself will go along way towards my success.

I'm happy with my totals for the week. Pushups continue to be a challenge but they are improving. I will continue to work towards the daily goal of 180. The challenge for me seems to be what to consider as an act of kindness and how to remember each one and record them. Each week brings some sort of challenge to figure out and overcome.

Totals for the week:
sit ups - 1090
pushups - 615
forms - 6
AOK - 5
walking - 36.5km

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