Sunday, 30 April 2023


Am I giving 100%?

What does 100% percent look like?

Well I can say with certainty that my 100% has changed these past few weeks. I had a brief thought that I wasn't giving 100% in class until I quickly realized my efforts just looked and felt different because I was different. My 100% may feel more like 70 - 90 % right now and that's ok because I know that I am still pushing myself and putting in effort that is doable for my current state of being.

I have been consumed with cleaning out my dad's acreage these past few months. 30 plus years of stuff has required numerous hours of work and mental effort. Sorting and making decisions on what to keep, donate or recycle all takes time and physical effort. With the help of family and friends these past 3 weeks, we are finally in the home stretch. 

There are days lately when I feel physically and mentally depleted. I am running on close to empty some days. By the time class starts I am almost depleted. I could stay home and remind myself how tired I am, but I know that Kung Fu doesn't add to my stress instead it reduces my stress. Kung Fu also helps to ground me which is why starting my day with some training is so important. The alternative to going to class is laying on the couch not learning, not doing, not moving forward, and feeling guilty.

The bump in the road that I'm currently experiencing will pass. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and I am moving forward with compassion for myself and without regrets.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the best we can do is show up. By showing up, you’re already ahead.


Patience and Small Wins

I was finally able to get a 30 minute yoga session done this week. With a puppy in the house Ive been finding it challenging to free up time...