Thursday, 6 April 2023

Numbers - February & March

There are many thoughts circulating around my head right now. First of all I misplaced my record book containing recorded numbers for the end of January and most of February. Thankfully I was able to find some numbers etc in my office that had been noted. Because I have no record of anything lost it is like it didn't happen and yet even though the numbers may have been lost I know there has been progression. 

The year started off slow even if I hadn't misplaced my book. I was fully aware my journey would start slow, but it is still challenging to see so early on how much I am behind. I'm working at pushing my ego aside and not comparing myself to others. I am reminding myself that taking care of me comes first and that is my primary goal for this year. 

So when I take more of an objective look at my progress I can see improvement and my trajectory heading in an upward angle. Adjustments have been made to my training routine which now mostly takes place at the start of the day. I just have to sort out how and when to add in more yoga as I don't often have time for all of it in the morning. Acts of kindness have become easier to track, mostly because I'm more mindful and aware of moments and opportunities throughout the day. Thanks to Todai Ferris my KM's are much easier to track with the Fitbit she passed onto me. I am pleasantly surprised how many steps and kilometers are traveled each day!


Numbers  - February, 2023

PU - 1230                 Sparring - 72         

SU - 1180                 KM - 0                

Hand Form - 23       AOK - 15

Weapon - 62            Yoga - 90 min

Numbers - March, 2023/Combined Totals

PU - 3575/4805                  Sparring - 210/282         

SU - 3300/4480                  KM - 147/147                

Hand Form - 114/137        AOK - 261/276

Weapon - 81/143               Yoga - 220m/310m


Patience and Small Wins

I was finally able to get a 30 minute yoga session done this week. With a puppy in the house Ive been finding it challenging to free up time...