Sunday, 2 April 2023

Clarity & Balance

I have been trying to bring more clarity and balance to my life and my training. As I dug deeper into what this means for me and how to effectively move forward I found myself naturally steered towards the importance of recognizing my strengths and weaknesses or areas for improvement. Improving my clarity and balance requires a deeper understanding of both. I also know that in addition to working on my weaknesses I will also need to continue to nurture my strengths.

Strengths create a solid base to operate from, provide confidence and serve me in my ability to continue moving forward. This is also where ego can gain hold. Ego can be subtle and sneaky or full on obvious.  Ego likes to puff us up and tell us we are great, we are good enough and when this happens mediocrity takes hold creating weakness within the strength. 

Viewing our strengths as gifts I think can help to keep the ego in check. When I think of a strength as something to be nurtured and something to be grateful for I am more apt to not take that ability or quality for granted. Nurturing helps me to understand where I am and what I am doing, which creates awareness and the potential for additional self directed positive change. 

Weaknesses are character traits that are considered negative or skills that are underdeveloped. And because of this weaknesses are full of potential growth and opportunities. My anxiety definitely made the weakness list and yet it has contributed immensely to some of my strengths. Almost to the point that I could have placed it on the strength side. Move over anxiety! It is time to focus on some of my other weaknesses.

When looking at my list of weaknesses it can be daunting to think about the work and effort needed to make improvements. This is because ego steps in and tries to wrap me up in a protective bubble telling me stories meant't to keep me from discomfort and moving forward. The ability to be objective can help me to say "thank you ego, move aside, I've got this". My development is at stake and I will fulfill my human potential!

What helps me keep my strengths in check and moving forward?

Ego check - thank you ego, move aside, I've got this

IHC - like minded people



Feedback - for clarity and balance

What helps me address my weaknesses without invalidating myself?

Believe in myself, use positive self talk, gratitude

Ego check - thank you ego, move aside, I've got this

Read mastery over and over again

Utilize my strengths to help overcome weaknesses

Feedback - for clarity and balance


Patience and Small Wins

I was finally able to get a 30 minute yoga session done this week. With a puppy in the house Ive been finding it challenging to free up time...